A peek inside...My pregnancy journal

Monday, September 11, 2006

Wow. We are expecting again! I cannot beging to explain how excited I am..we are. And who would have thought that it would have occured so soon! With Sam, we tried for a long time to get pregnant. With this pregnancy, I missed a few pills, so I stopped and boom, I was pregnant. Not really an oops at all..I knew what could happen not being on birth control, and I chose to stop them anyway. I really wanted another baby. So, I am thrilled to say that we are pregnant. Being pregnant for me is 9 months of fears, worry, joy and excitement all together. After several miscarriages, you can imagine how paranoid I am at every little thing. I found out I was pregnant on August 21. So, the next day I was at my doctor's office. They did an ultrasound and thought I was about 4 weeks. Wow, I caught it early! So, they did and HCG test. My first level is 486. I go back in two days..Thursday the 24th. My levels should have doubled. The second level is 1261! More than doubled, so a great sign! I went on 9/5 for another ultrasound and we heard a heartbeat! I am 6w2d on this day. Baby's heartbeat is 107. Ok, a little on the low side of normal, but hopefully it will speed up by my next appointment. I go back for a 3rd ultrasound 9/19. At this point I will be a little over 8 weeks and arms and legs will be visable. No longer will it look like a tadpole, or just a blurb..but it will look like a little baby! I am so excited, but at the same time, scared to death. My due date is 4/29/07...but, since Sam was a c-section, this baby will be too (and I prefer it that way), so I can hopefully schedule about a week or so in advance of that! So, today at 7w2d I am feeling good. I cannot wait to wear my maternity clothes and officially look pregnant..not just fat. Right now I am too small for maternity clothes, but my regular clothes are already kinda tight. I cannot wear the maternity clothes now..I feel I would look like a spaz. haha. So, I figure in about 3-4 more weeks, I can wear them. They say you shoow sooner with each pregnancy. I hope! I will try to update and post pics every few weeks!


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